The TravConEx IBE provides an easy and modern Web GUI. It is designed to book air tickets based on your direct connect agreeements (e.g. NDC) with the airlines. The fare sources, controlled by your defined orchestration rules, are consolidated and bookable in a joined fare display.
Target groups
Be prepared for the future of the air ticket sales industry. Enhance your booking capabilities with up to date airline sales channels like NDC. We aggregate your airline direct connect agreements within a powerful easy to use API.
Include the TravConEx API to enhance your own existing booking tools.
Based on the TravConEx API and together with our sister company SoftConEx we provide you state of the art enterprise IBE solutions.
NDC and other direct connect sources plus GDS content from all major GDS and from many countries consolidated to a joined fare display .
Target groups
Geneststraße 5, 10829 Berlin, Deutschland |
+49 (0)30 8145638-11